The Nation’s Ultimate Pick Me Ups

When the clock strikes nine, it’s happiness time! We asked you at what time of day you feel the happiest and it can be revealed that the nation’s official HAPPY HOUR is 9pm!
Happy hours do vary across the country, with the majority happiest in the evening, however Birmingham, Southampton, Nottingham and Sheffield admit to peaking in the morning.
Feeling the mid-afternoon slump, you also told us that 3pm is when you’re most in need of a pick me up. A lack of sleep is most likely to put people in a foul mood (so make sure you’re getting those eight hours!) followed by rubbish weather and challenges in relationships.
Thankfully, all can be resolved with the nations ultimate pick me up: a good joke! 40% of you agree that this is the best way to put a smile on your face.
Top ten things that always turn that frown upside down are:
- A good joke
- Speaking with loved ones
- Listening to favourite music
- The sun shining
- A hug
- Eating good food
- A baby laughing
- Watching your favourite film/TV show
- Finding a bargain
- A cup of tea
Although a good joke came out on top overall, when hoping to put a smile on the face of a friend from Belfast, a hug might be the way forward. The people of Glasgow told us that they love it when the sun shines and you can cheer up Bristolians with some good food!
When thinking about who cheers us up the most, you told us that your partners, best friends and unsurprisingly, pets are sure to put a smile on your face.
Let us know what’s most likely to turn your frown upside down by taking part in our Ultimate Pick Me Ups quiz!