Revealed: the UK cities most likely to get glammed up for everyday chores

  • Women in Manchester are the most likely to dress up for routine tasks (71%)
  • More than a third (34%) of UK women get glammed up to go to the supermarket
  • One in 14 (7%) women admit to glamming up just to put their bins out


Women in Manchester are the most likely to get glammed up to do everyday chores, such as shopping, posting a letter or even putting the bins out, new research has revealed.

The study1, conducted by Gala Bingo, the nation’s favourite bingo site, asked 2,000 UK women if they get dressed up for mundane activities, and almost two-thirds (65%) say they do.

Across the nation, more than a third (34%) put makeup on or do their hair before going to the supermarket, and almost half (47%) glam up when shopping for clothes.

Even if they’re simply pottering around the home, nearly a fifth (19%) like to dress up, while almost a quarter (24%) make an effort when heading out for a casual walk.

Interestingly, one in 14 (7%) UK women admit to getting glammed up just to take their bins out, with Londoners (12%) the most likely to do so.

Overall, however, Mancunian women get dressed up the most for everyday tasks, with more than seven in ten (71%) glamming up regularly.

London (70%) and Bristol (68%) aren’t too far behind, while women in Southampton are the least likely (52%).


The ten UK cities where women are most likely to get glammed up for everyday activities are:

1) Manchester – 71%

2) London – 70%

3) Bristol – 68%

4) Nottingham – 68%

5) Belfast – 67%

6) Leeds – 66%

7) Edinburgh – 65%

8) Liverpool – 63%

9) Sheffield – 62%

10) Cardiff – 62%


Women in Belfast top the list for supermarket glamour, with almost half (47%) dressing up for their grocery trips, just ahead of Sheffield (43%).

The Northern Ireland capital is also home to the most stylish gym-goers, with one in eight (13%) women in Belfast glamming up to work out.

Age is also a factor, with millennials (25-34-year-olds) the most likely generation to dress up for everyday activities (77%).

Lifestyle and Wellness Coach, Joanna Shurety, says that the benefits of such self-care should not be underestimated.

“Self-care plays a fundamental part of both our physical and mental wellbeing. All too often, self-care is bumped down the list of things to do, because it can seem selfish or unimportant, yet it is these things that keep us happy, resilient and engaged.”

Joanna suggests focusing on what gives you energy, joy and time for yourself, with examples of no-cost self-care including:

  • Writing a gratitude journal, including things that you are thankful for about yourself
  • Saying no to things you don’t want to do
  • Taking a relaxing bath and completely switching off
  • Prioritising sleep and rest
  • Watching your favourite film or TV show

The research was commissioned to launch the latest advert in Gala Bingo’s ‘Bingo Like a Boss’ series, which features drag queen Frieda Balls getting fully glammed up to take out her bins in wintery weather.

Karina Adrian, head of brand marketing at Gala Bingo, said: “Getting glammed up can really lift your mood and make you feel better about yourself, so it’s great to see that many Brits are dressing up even when they don’t have a special occasion to attend.

“So whether you’re popping to the shops or heading out on a run, why not add a bit of sparkle into everyday life?”

To watch Gala Bingo’s new Ice Queen advert, featuring Frieda Balls, visit: